Transition Programme Update

21st December 2023

As we come to the end 2023 we wanted to provide an update /progress report on the Transition Programme.

Progress was hindered earlier on this year as a result of the significant concerns expressed during our first Public Events, mainly around flooding and to a lesser extent vehicle access. Accordingly, the Transition Committee decided to address further the subject of flooding with the aim of providing confirmation to both the Club, Kilmac and all interested parties that the findings of our experts (i.e. that the proposed development would not result in enhanced flood risk) would stand up to scrutiny. After engagement with the local Flood Groups, independent experts were engaged by the Flood Group and the cost covered by the Golf Club; the report produced validated our initial expert advice that the proposed development would not have a detrimental impact on flooding, rather it would improve the situation.

Having addressed the flood issue, we undertook a major exercise to engage with local councillors, MSPs and MPs. The support of a large number of our members was invaluable and greatly appreciated.

Following on from the written communication exercise, the committee met with the main local political groups from which no negative feedback to our plans have materialised; indeed we have been commended for our open and inclusive approach. We will remain engaged with the political groups throughout the programme.

In a nutshell, CHGC and Kilmac are now satisfied that the transition project has a reasonable chance of success and we are comfortable in relying on the planning process and development rules and regulations.

The table below sets out the key dates as we move forward and the committee will be ramping up activity early in the new year to develop and flesh out our plans that will require to be in a final state for sharing at the 2nd Public Consultation Event that will be held in June next year. This piece of work will necessarily be extensive and detailed and we envisage seeking assistance and input from Members as matters progress.

In advance of the 2nd Public Consultation Event, it is our intention to hold a meeting for Members to share the detailed plans.


Work Action

Oct – Dec 23

Political engagement between CHGC and Ward Councillors/MP/MSP’s

Dec - 23

Re-engage Consultant Base.

June 24

2nd Public Consultation Event

Aug 24

Planning Permission in Principal Submission

April 25

Planning Committee

April – July 25

Judicial Review/Section 75 agreement

Aug 25

Planning Permission in Principal Consent.

Aug-Oct 25

Pre-submission Package

Oct 25

Detailed Planning Submission Clubhouse and Residential

March 26

Detailed Planning Consent

June 26

Technical Sewers Approval

June 26

Roads Construction Consent

May 27

Clubhouse Reconfiguration

May 27

Course Redesign

Oct 27

1st Unit Completion

We are pleased to reaffirm that we can look forward to at least another 3 years of 18-hole golf before transitioning on to a high quality 9 / 18 hole course - and we hope that this will give reassurance to any Members or your friends who may be in two minds about either renewing or joining.

 In the meantime I'm sure that many of you may have questions you would like answered so please drop an email to us via the Craigie Hill Sports and Community Hub button on the website or, or better still simply speak to me, Dave Mitchell on 07503-156837, or any one of the other Transition Committee members, Ally Layland (07925-786592), Les Bayne (07879-432209) or Derek Ross ( 07785-550162) who’ll be more than happy to talk things through.

Wishing you all a great Christmas and a happy and healthy 2024 - and look forward to seeing a many of you as possible shaking off the excesses and joining in the Winter League fun.

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