2024 Membership Fees & Members Incentive Scheme

Fees to remain same as 2023

In preparation for the new season and to give you all time to prepare to part with your hard-earned cash the Board have agreed the fee structure for the 2024 season with an added incentive for our existing members.

Membership fees for 2024 will remain unchanged with the same options available for either a lump sum or staged payments as currently described on the Club website. We have 2024 membership stickers and bag tags in supply and upon renewal we would be grateful if they could be picked up from the Bothy and displayed throughout the new season.

As per last season any new member will be permitted to join on a pro rata basis if looking to join during the coming season.

It has also been agreed that no charge will apply for locker renewals.

As an incentive to our existing members we are opening a scheme which allows you to introduce a new member and receive a benefit as outlined below. The benefit will be payable to the introducing member's Competition Purse. This can be used for ongoing competition fees but can also be used to offset against any future Membership renewal.

The terms for the scheme are as follows -

The scheme will only apply to ONLINE APPLICATIONS. The application form has been changed with a field inserted to show who the introducing member is - the credit will only apply if this field has been completed. ONLINE MEMBERSHIP FORM CAN BE FOUND AT https://www.craigiehill.co.uk/membership.php (Apply for membership link)

Applies to new members being introduced falling in to Full, Social, Country and Transition Categories.

A new Full Member brings a £80 credit for the introducing member only (not the introduced member)

A new Social, Country or Transition member attracts a £50 credit for the introducing member only (not the introduced member)

If the new member is introduced on a pro rata basis prior to the 2024 season commencing then the existing member benefit will apply on the renewal of the new member in 2024

If the new member joins for the 2024 season, then the member benefit will apply on the renewal of both the new member AND the member who introduced the new member, in January 2025. The incentive only applies to the person who introduced the new member. The incentive does not apply to the new member.

Former members of the Club wishing to re-join will be accepted in the first instance but subject to the discretion of the Board

The offer rolls on to any new member to introduce another friend or family member

The benefit is only offered once per new member and does not roll forward

Should any member have any queries on the content of this note or any other matter then please feel free to call Dave Mitchell on 07503 156837, drop a note to the membership@craigiehill.co.uk, or speak to any other Board member.

The Board greatly appreciates your support in the last year and looks forward to it continuing in 2024. 

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