Payment Reminder re 2021 Membership Fees

Payment Reminder re 2021 Membership Fees

May we remind members that subscriptions are now due to be paid for the period commencing 1st April 2021.

Our preferred method of payment is by BACS direct to Club bank account 80 91 28 Account number 06025717 but payments of course can be made using the Stripe facility in your Scottish Golf App.

All members with an email address within our Mailchimp account already have been sent information relating to the 2021 Membership Fees.

This information is also available within the Members Communication section of the website.

Please take time to read this information and to understand the payment methods that are available to you.

If you have any queries - do feel free to  please email in to - we can access the email account remotely and respond accordingly in keeping with our COVID safety procedures.

Board of Directors

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